The remaining portion of the ramp is what you see in the first pic. There is a little wall outlining the first of it and then he will put in forms to be able to pour the remaining portion. Where you see the red handled spade, there will be a small flower gardenas soon as we get through with the ramp.
The stone steps are not completely finished but are usable as they are. Wayne plans to fill in the cracks with concrete for a more finished look.
How do you like this pic of our mutant strawberry? It is the biggest one to get ripe so far. We enjoy eating 2-3 strawberries each almost daily. They are so sweet. It is great to be able to step outside and pick your own fresh strawberries. No pesticides, just compost of our own to nourish them.
It is nice to see a close up of one of the four pics that came from Biltmore (thanks to Cris and Bonnie for these). I really wanted to show off the frames that Wayne so creatively generated. That is a bear sleeping on a log. These are the pics we hung over our spa in the master bath.