Well, I was sitting here at the computer reading blogs and making comments while Wayne was in the kitchen making breakfast (or so I thought). Suddenly, I hear a "Oh, Lord" from the other room. I hollered out, "What's wrong?" and got no answer. He sounded so ominous that it scared me so I got up and headed for the kitchen saying again, "What's wrong?" No answer. I was in the hall and then said, "Where are you?" He spoke and I realized his voice was coming from our bathroom. He said, "I've done something worse than you did." Meaning, that with his last haircut I accidentally gaped a small place on the back of his head because I did not realize there was no guard on the clippers to keep one from cutting the hair too short. It grew out quickly and was barely noticed (no pun intended) by others. The following pics will give you some idea of his dilemma. He was busy cutting away on his hair (hasn't been to a barbershop in many months due to the expense) and forgetting that he did not have a guard on the clippers, he ran a streak from the middle of his neck all the way to the front. That's when he calmly but ominously spoke those two words a spouse does not like to hear: "Oh, Lord"

So, now you get to see the outcome. That first pic doesn't look toooo bad but look at the other two.

We worked on getting the cut to look as decent as we could and he will probably wear a cap constantly for the next couple of weeks. Interestingly enough, we have house guests coming today. My first cousin, Anna, and her husband, Scott, are spending the weekend and we are going to drive across the mountains and look at the Fall foliage. I haven't see this cousin in 11 years! We have never met her husband of five years. So this is a big day, guys. They will most likely get a big kick out of the whole thing. Good conversation piece, I'd say.