Sunday, May 30, 2010

My first blog video (I hope)

Wayne was giving Cadie a bath in the tub.
Vivi did not like being left out of the scene. Check it out.


Lynn said...

I've never heard her make that noise. Cute!

WNC mountain gal said...

She doesn't make that noise except on special occasions like when one wants to get in the tub with a cousin. :)

Francis "Wayne" Eury said...

The video doesn't come up on my phone


Francis "Wayne" Eury said...

Vid not viewable

Francis "Wayne" Eury said...

The video doesn't come up on my phone


Francis "Wayne" Eury said...

The video doesn't come up on my phone


Francis "Wayne" Eury said...

The video doesn't come up on my phone


Mellie said...

hey that is so cute