Friday, February 13, 2009

A Thorn in His Crown and "my flesh"

Three days ago Wayne was outside cutting away brush from our large crab apple tree in our side yard. In the process he inadvertently backed into a large thorn on the limb of one of the many trees that have thorns on our land. A thorn broke off and lodged in the top of his head. I caled the doc's office before 5 to see if we could get seen as I had not been able to get this hard thorn out with any of my tools at home. The first picture shows you the size of an entire thorn. The second picture shows the actual piece of thorn that the doctor removed from his scalp. It may not seem impressive to some but it was a real booger to remove and we were at the doctor's for quite a while last night. We had not had supper so on the way home we stopped at the first and only cheapo food place (McDonald's, ugh) and grabbed a quick burger and salad. Then we started our 25 mile treck home. We were almost to the last exit of the interstate and with only 7 miles to go realized that I had left my purse at the restaurant. I was mortified. We called (Mary did for us) to alert them and we turned around and started back to the restaurant. They said they did not see anything in their lobby. I began to envision having to replace all of my bankcards, insurance cards, Costco, library, etc.... Not to mention that I had my last $10.00 in my new wallet that was in my leather purse. yada, yada, yada.... So I prayed in tears all the way back. I ran into the restaurant and there my purse was right on the seat where i had left it. I thanked God and we went home. Needless to say, it was after 10 PM by the time we got home.


Wayne said...

Gross! A thorn in a finger is bad enough, but in the head...ouch!

Glad you found your purse. Close one.

princesspeace said...

wow what a night

Lynn said...

Hey mom. You have my old blog linked on your page. Please change it to the new blog for folks OK?

Mary said...

That is an impressive 3/16ths of an inch thorn. Sorry for all your trouble, but I am glad everything is better now. Love you both.