Friday, April 17, 2009

Down on the Farm

On the way home from Asheville, via the back way out Leicester Highway, last week, (Wayne, Eddie and I) Wayne says, "All right, look for a sign along the way that sells eggs and we will check it out." So I looked on the right and Eddie looked on the left to cover the area most efficiently. We were within a mile of our turn off to head toward our house when Eddie spotted a sign. It said "Organic Eggs and Feed, 2.5 miles as we raced by it. So we had to turn around and go back and then turn right onto South Turkey Creek Road. We crused along slowly until we came to a dirt road with an "egg" sign on the left so we turned. We had to cross a wodden bridge that said "go slowly across this bridge" and here is where we wound up. Boy, were we in for a treat. Chickens running around everywhere.
Baby goats, mommy goats, horses, guinas, and little piggies abounded.

This is Amber sitting next to Wayne. She thinks she is a dog so she snuggles like one. She had had twin kids but they both died (preemies who didn't make it) so she found her a new baby (who had its own mother) and she adopted it and began to nurse it herself. Now that kid really has it made. Two moms who love it dearly and all the milk one can imagine! Amber fell in love with Wayne's shirt and kept trying to nibble on it (goats only have top teeth and as such, have to really work on things to be able to get items into their mouths so Wayne's shirt was unharmed. She also began to lick Wayne's neck and ears (just like Buddy used to do, Cade used to do and Cadie now does). Remember, she thinks she's a dog. :)

Now let me introduce you to some of the Kings of the Hill amongst the chickens: There are 8 of them but I only got shots of a few. The first one is Foghorn-Leghorn and he thinks he is hot stuff(he crows the loudest).

Next is Spot. How proud he is. But not the noise maker of his fellow King.

Now the last one I am going to show is Star. Doesn't he just look like he thinks he is a star?
Each of the roosters are a different "make" of chicken and they pick their harem from those chickens who belong to their "make" (if that makes sense).

Anyway, we had a great time yesterday on our second visit to the Farm, known as the Double G Ranch (for the couple who own it who are Valerie and Lance Graves). This time we had gone to get Sara and Carmel and we took them with us as a special surprise. The horseback riding they got to do was a surprise for us as well.


Wayne said...

Bella says:
Is the pigs a mom or a dad, a baby or a sister? Is the old is the roosters? How old is the pigs? What does the goat do?

Mary said...

Thank you so much for taking the girls, they had a real blast. I wouldn't mind checing it out myself someday.

Fran said...

There were mommy pigs and baby piglets. The pic is of some of the babies. They were only a few weeks old. Daddy pigs are kept separate from mommies when they have babies to care for. We did not see any daddy pigs. The roosters are adult male chickens. I don't know their actual age. The goats wee very friendly. The babies would gently climb up on your legs and nip at your clothes. These goats do not have lower teeth so they don't tear your clothes. Amber (in the pic) licked Granddad on the neck and ears just like Cadie does. It was so endearing. She loves being petted. She also loved getting into things, like the chicken's food bags when she could get to them.

Jurnal de Librar said...

ha ha ha , very nice :)