This is Cadie last winter(late October). She actually had longer hair than this when we clipped her this week. We just clipped away at her hair until we got it where we wanted it and said forget the groomers! Too much money.
See results below! You'd think you were looking at two different dogs.
What a great before and after...

Yeah, it does look like two different dogs.
I like how she looks either way, but it seems you can see "her" better when all her hair is out of the way. I know I like looking at people better who don't have hair all in their faces.
Reminds me of early Big Bird. Check my blog to see what I mean:
Tag's Blog.
AWWWWW, she looks naked. Poor baby, but I know she will be much cooler this summer this way. I actually like the shorter cut, but I'm a little partial to spiked/short hair.
She seems to love her "new body" She was so patient with us as we spent hours to get her cut (over many days, I might add) It's like the comfortable way of just nipping with scissors was soothing and massaging to her.
The less hair the better. My comparison to Big Bird was not a judgment of what I liked or didn't like. Just what it made me think of.
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